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Student Membership Term

Please select which student membership you would like to purchase.  

 If you are joining January – June, a one-year student membership would be valid through December 31 of this year.  A two-year student membership would be valid through December 31 of next year.  

 If you are joining July – December, a one-year student membership would be valid through December 31 of next year. A two-year student membership would be valid through December 31 of the year after next.  

 Students who purchase a two-year student membership receive $10 off membership and will receive $10 off ADHA’s National Board Review course in their final year of their program
One year student membership 85.00
One year student membership 85.00

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Two year student membership 150.00
Two year student membership 150.00

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Two year student membership and NBR bundle 225.00
Two year student membership and NBR bundle 225.00

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