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Average Salary for Dental Hygienists in the U.S.

Below is an interactive map showing the average salaries of dental hygienists in each state in the U.S. To see the average salary in a certain state, all you have to do is hover your cursor or click on the state. You can also click on the "Search" icon at the top-left corner of the map and type in the state you are interested in.

Use the + or - signs in the top-left corner to zoom in and out of the map, and select the "Home" icon to return the map back to its starting point.

If you want to see what a dental hygienist similar to you makes on average, you can also filter the average salaries in each state in four category:

  • By numbers of years in practice
  • By primary practice setting
  • By highest level of dental hygiene education
  • If you hold a certificate or additional license

To reset the filter to include everyone in a certain category, just click “All” in the dropdown list for said category.